Wednesday, May 18, 2005
so as of this, i'm moved into ferris.

scary, the thought of living in the fraterity house, but so far so good. i know i'll have to kick toms ass every once and a while, and i am BY FAR the coolest person on this floor. i think i have my room fung-shooied enough so that i can be the "hang out room"... you never know, but tonight might be a test, Evans' birthday so everyone might chill in here cause i got tv and such.

i know i haven't posted in a while, and for all of you loyal listeners...or readers...whateveah...

well, the end of year stress was ridden out... like useuall, casually and well timed as to get everything....well... the important things done at the last minute. grades come out later today, we'll see how well that went for me.

so it looks like we have some interesting occurances over the summer, and ...hell i'm just going to jynx myself now... i'm excited about this summer and the ladies.

i am going to miss a hella lot of the people moving on in life... i just hope i can be missed when/if i gradumatate....more like if...

so as i sit in 'cheech's' room wondering how long it will be until this is 'peanuts' room' i leave you now, hopefully i'llupdate a little more later, cause remember the original reason blogs were created.....hehe

your moment of zen:

Song: the sweet hum of the drill in tom's room, plus some swearing cause these walls are fucking titanium....

Pockets: as i was looking back on my posts, i found that i was going to make this one optional, or replace it....anyways, buisness cards, keys, fun.

% of dirty clothes: technically there all clean expet the ones from the past 3 days, so i give it a 4%

reason why i hate new york city: I'm not there this weekend....
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