you know, i've been wanting to sit here for some time now and just get this over with. blog, and get some of these things out... *gets food and beer* ... thats better, now i'm ready.
where do i start? well, useually i'd start by going "wow its been too long" or "fine, here you go cyndi" but this ones gonna start like this.
i was listening to Don Mclean's American pie today at my new store. and realissed that things can change, for the better or worse, but you gotta dig those rythm and blues.
i know that doesnt make much sense, but honestly, when do i ever?
i've been sitting on my hands for quite some time. doing nothing much with my time. sleeping and eating, barely paying bills and going to work.
that in and of itself is going well, i work in sunpraire now at a brand fucking new sherwin williams, wich is really nice to be proactive for once. all my efforts to move forward at the old store were for naught because of the old ways the store has 'always been' and it pissed me off. i caouldnt do new shit and everything i tried to do failed.
so now i start in a fresh new store, wich i'm going to stop talking about, because its all i talk about in real life, and this si my realse... and thathas nothing to do with sanity.
i live in McFarland with Ryan Mooney now. wich is nice. hes hardly arround, and has a job. somthing i'm getting used to, a roomate with a job that does stuff. heh. i do miss the west side a bunch, but thats the past, the frustrating past. too much time being badgered to hang out when i didnt want to, but when i wanted to do anything, it was styfled.
now i spend time in the hot tub, reading, watching dvds.
and then i got internet and tv.... its been almost a monthe sence i have had MY OWN... stealing internet coneections was awesome, but damn if it wasnt flustrating. but we have verison and dish now, so Andy happy boy.
Krystal spent like a month up here , and that was somthing i could really get used to. not just cause she was bored enough to do my laundry, but because i really liked having someone to come home too.... besides mooney and Ted The Cat.
i have a nice big room, that i have yet to perfect, i think i'm going to move the bed, but thing is, i still have to make my new bed. i really still want to, but i think a new dresser is going to be first.
to buy that is.
i can handle making a bed, thats easy, but a dresser is a touch more complicated thing than what i want to takle right now. seeing as i havent done shit on this bed for years now.
i'm suprised anyone takes any timeframe i give them seriously, i cant even meet my own deadlines.
i think i'm gonna be in this place for a while. i was in the last place for oer a year, and it felt like longer... watching that place disintigrate was aweful, but damn, now i have a well kept space, and i'm finally moved in...
it took way too long, but i was starting the new job allong the same time as the move, so thats my excuse.
i dont know when i'm going to start working out. i have to , absolutly have to.
i have a new strech mark.
not in the normal places, or allong the ones my tits gave me under my arms, but about 2 inches away from my belly button.
the guy who would be shirtless before anyone said strip, is now somewhat self concious of being a chub.
but damn, if meatballs arent the tastiest thing ever.
tonight i hope i can go to the kar-ah-oh-kee with Mr Tyler Lane and friends, maybe branch out and meet new people.
had a messed up dream last night, with kivi and joia in it about a waterpark... it was messed up.
i miss this. i think it'll happen more...
holly shit, this could be my hobby!
what a depressing hobby....
Family: Grandma's in town, wich means ma's a bit pissy. but krystal passed with flying colors, i knew she would.
Hobby: same ol' shit, but who knows, now that i'm settled in Mcfarland, i'll branch out.
Social: workin on it... i think.
Money: the accountant thing is working, if i actually listen to him... wich i havent yet
Work: I'm currently the ASM of the newest store in the whole company. had a grand opening saturday and its all down hill from here. getting my own shitty, run down store soon...
Females: was basicly living with me, and i liked it, and we didnt want to kill eashother, except about a spice rack... but whatever...
Drama: Erin. paul dumped her. she owes me money. yea, this wont go well.
School: I think i want to go back to school for a chemistry degree...
Friends: hanging with mooney and the lanes. i wish i could get down to platteville more, i mis grant and melissa.
Health: so, that acid reflux... hasnt happened sence i stopped taking my pills... i know its stupid, but damn its nice to sleep again.
Song: back to my ol ways of ben folds and jack johnson
Last Laugh: Bob saget, you should allwatch his new stuff on HBO... its exactly how i think... bad and evil, but it is...