so one thing i have determined, in this COMPLETLY drunken state (2 glasses of wild turkey 101 w/ MONSTER energy drink & one bottle of MAD DOG 20/20), is that some how, i can type correctly while this enibriated. I am supprised, because useually, I can not form a completely gramatiacly correct sentance to save my soul when i'm sober.
I might have fucked that all up but i don't care.
i love it, because some poor sap is going to recive my plasma that i donate tomarrow mornign and instantly get drunk. well, more than likely not. but its fun to think about if it happened.
i should really get some things in check. but i'm happy right now
and i know why
*perma smile*
ahhhhh.... i tihnk i'm going to pass out now and worry about things (like taking out the trash, and how i'm going to pay for rent) tomarrow.