Wednesday, January 25, 2006
My first step to becoming a hermit
people our age in large groups are morons.

that being said, i shouldn't have to explain, because any mass of people loose all individuality and will never grasp any opinion other than the one best advertised on TV.

thats right, GEICO might have allot of comercials, and hell, Phi Mu Alpha even gets a discount, but i have a small agency that doesnt spend money on advertizing to the 'tool-nation'


so i went out tonight, i know i said i was gonna take some time off drinking and i ended up doing that. I hate the bars. No, I detest the bars. I would rather spend a night in and talk and have a nice conversation with a group of friends over a few drinks. Thats why I love our porch, We still get the morons that are drunk as hell, and occasionally we get to watch a feild sobriety test. You never have to worry about the stupid hoes that think they need to stand right in the fucking middle of traffic so they can have every guy going past cop a feel.

those guys are the low end guys, just drunk as hell and not caring. They end up geting in a fight, or calling an Ex-Girlfriend at the end of the night and passing out in a pool of their own vomit.

The middle of the row guys are Going out to have agood time, but still want to 'Mack'. these guys will pause and have small talk with the girl. In this town it useually starts with classes, its such a small town, eveyone knows somthing about someone, even if they made it up. This guy will distract said Hoe until the next group can get by.

This group, wich i was proudly part of tonight, seeing as i hit up ...oh... 4 - 5 bars without having a drink, just want to move and not be wedged up against the fat guy and the wall.

Tonight i could care less how much you thought you were atractive or that you should be the center of attention, christ, get a life and get out of my fucking way.

grrr.... i just want to get out of the monotony. I want to be 27, Solid and have a good group of friends. be secure finacially aswel as mentaly. not 22, strugling to find affection and not even knowing if i need it. I have to prioritise. my needs (family, friends, fraternity, job, money, security) are far more important than my wants (the touch of someone who cares, someone other than my fraternity brothers to call and just chat with, life to be easy, to have balls enough to ask this girl out) right now.

I'm so many things to so many people. I'm a scapegoat, I'm a leader, I'm the Go-To guy, I'm Dr. Ruth, I'm the crazy guy, I'm The ROCK, I'm the shoulder to cry on, I'm the first person to call, I'm the last to lie.

I'm allot of things, but what i'm not is allone. even though i get these times that i feel like i'm the only one. Not in a cocky way, but that yet again, I'm the bit part in someone else's play.

i have to realise i cant be whole. I can't be perfect. No one can. Its a rather large conflict actually... if we're all aspiring to be whole, to be perfect, yet we can only be perfect in our eyes. and no matter what we can always find flaws within our own self or at least with our actions.

So if we are all striving for a perfection that cannot be acheived, what are we doing here?

oh god no.

i'm discussing the meaning of life on my blog. its time to stop. its times like these i wish the new 'high-boys' were here to debate this with me. Adam North, John Beardsley, And John Buaver (SP?) are the smartest pot heads i've ever had the pleasure of holding a conversation with and they might enjoy this one.

Seeing as they are not here, and all of you have stopped reading by now, and have gone on to checking eveyone else who never updates their blog. i will end this nights streaming conciousness.

Don't pee on the seat, unless you don't like the lady after you in line

and don't forget, keep your stick on the ice... ;-)
Monday, January 23, 2006
Life, or somthing completly not what i'm used too...
I made Sara Griffins night tonight, or at least I think I did. Its not every day that one of your friends comes up to you after bugging you about going on a trip with them and then just says there gonna pay for them to go out to New York for a week for their birthday.

I sure hope that her boyfriend doesn't hate me, cause i'm not doing this for any ill intention.

(Anonomous caps locker, no need, I know what your thinking.)

Honestly and truly, I have the ends and the means to do somthing really nice for this aspiring girl. She's a fenominal actress (You all know that i'm the guy that says 'you did ok' after the shows, just kiddingly keeping ego's in check, but for her, everything i've seen her in, or have been in with her, has been just awesome.), yet she hasn't been to the meca of her craft. After going back and forth on being able to fund, or scedual it, I decided to say 'you need to do this, and i'll help'. I'm doing this because I think she could be something special, and anything a friend can do to help another friend out is worth doing. Like I said, I have no ill intention, I told her and her friends that well before this panned out, i just have to re-iterate it because it looks like i'm trying to buy her away from her boyfriend. I AM MOST CERTAINLY NOT. Its a shame a person can't do a thing like this and not be scrutinised. I'm taking a pro-active stance on the whole issue, so just drop it, start your own drama elcewhere.

*phew* Now that I got that out there, ITS GONNA RULE! So far all she wants to do is eat a hot-dog at a baseball stadium and a very large slice of pizza. I sure hope theres more she wants to do, because I plan on going to at least 2-3 broadway shows, all the sites we can handle, museums, clubbing, everything! I lived there for two solid months and i'm disapointed in myself that I didn't DO anything... I got really goood at playing HALO, thats about it.

I really have to thank Carl and Noah. I'm glad I have friends that I can still mooch off of for a week after I lived with them for 2 months, I figured they would hate the idea. haha, there should be like AA meetings for my ex-roomates.

So I have a BUNCH of stuff to plan this semester...

Why am I still saying 'this semester'... I have to start gauging things in months at least till fall...

Oh yea, I hope to be meeting with the transfer guy from UWW soon so I don't get dicked (too much, cause thats what whitewater does the best, fucking over students)out of any of my buisness classes being transfered over, I figure it could knock off at least a semesters worth of classes.

this would be my curiculum, i'll RED out what I can easily ace/test out of, and BLUE out what I should get from UWW...

Introduction to Interior Design
Fundamentals of Design
Basic Drafting
Interior Components 1
Interior Design Textiles
History of Architecture and Interiors 1
Business Math

16 credit semester, EASY classes...

Interior Design CAD
Perspective Lab
Presentation Techniques
Space Planning
Interior Components 2
History of Architecture and Interiors 2
Communication Skills 1

17 credits, Might be chalenging...

Kitchen and Bath Design
Commercial Design 5.00
Communication Skills 2
Psychology of Human Relations

19 credits, but a nice hefty design lab, but all around it is called "I was already a kitchen designer, and i've worked retail for 7 years. TRY and teach me things..."

Professional Practice
Advanced Interior Design
Interior Design Internship
Contemporary American Society

16 credits, of wich 3 would be entailed by working at Sherwin Williams... coincedently while they pay for school for me by this time... So my life is gonna rule.

By summer of 2008 I should be an Assistant Manger at a fourtune 100 top rated company, with a degree in a feild wich I can make a ton of money, Looking to transfer to a higher education (somewhere a little more respected than MATC), taking my experience and starting my own buisness. with the following employees (list tenative)

  • Andrew Hale - Personal Designer to the stars
  • Dennis Lynn - Buisness Manager/Publicity
  • Jason Ward (my current Assistant Manger) - Corporate Account Coordinator/ Liazon
More to come on that. But as for now, I should really get some emails out, cause this post has gone on entirely toooooo long.

I woke up early, so I post.

For some reason i got up at 10 when i dont have to work until 1. dunno why, i just did. so this is gonna be a short one, sorry folks.


REALLY short...

cause i have to leave in about 10 minutes and i'm still naked...

Family: mom and dad are going to try and help me with finances, i just have to get them all in line
Fraternity: First meeting went well, but i have to realize whats going to happen.... and damn easter for getting in my way
Social: i'm getting out, Thanks Tiffany.
Work: Boss is back today from a week off, i wonder if i'm gonna get greif for somthing or other...
Females: waiting in the wings
Drama: ... only internaly
School: i gotta call the guy that does transfers so i can get credits for all 10 of my shitty semesters here.
Friends: i swear to god, i need to visit EVERYONE.
Health: losing weight, under 200. starting to get toned. i dont know how, i dont exersize, i think its no soda.
Song: There's Always Someone Cooler Than You [live] - Ben Folds

Last Laugh: 12 Sinfonians in one room, I cant count the laughs.

Marty, Hailey, Denise....FUCKING POST ALREADY!!!
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