Saturday, December 25, 2004
Maybe it's just the holidays...
life sucks, and i lie.

because life really doesn't suck. i'm in good health, (and i'll live forever as long as i keep eating lots of bacon), i have family and friends; but in general life at this instance sucks.

i got a 2.2, just enough to keep the carrot in front of this jackass so he has a glimmer of hope that he can aceive...HA!

NO ONE IS HERE@!!!! this town is a ghost town. how will i survive in the real world without a multitude of people to talk to.... i know... i'll just make up imaginary friends...thats perfectly sane....right?

did you ever have some really really good food... food you thought was the best food ever, but they only had it in some remote location or somthing, just enough so you could'nt have it for a while... then you have it again ... after 8 months ... and you realise you want more and you just keep running into problems getting that dish again? yea, that doesn't make sence so i'll just say i want sex.

i want to go back to my old self. the random guy who had fun and didn't worry what people think. and i'm going to do that. if i want to go do some randome...lets say.... strategic dumpster movement, i'm not going to think about it, i'm just gonna do it... cause i feel like it

unless i get bored... or theres beer/boobs involved

those reasons are the killers ... or facilitators ... of any situation...

song: Cake - cool blue reason

Pockets: nothin

Imaginary emoticon: *pissed off, but drinks beer and is better, not ok, but better*

I've stooped to a new low...
yea, thats right. you know where you are and you know what this is all about. theres no excuse for you to be upsett on what happens here.

but for starters, we'll lay down a few ground rules -

1.) i don't type well and i refusse to use propper grammar as i have, and will always continue to be a horrible speller/typist/gramaticly correct person.

2.) no one is safe. i've never been a person to talk behind someones back and i belive it's unhealth to do such things, so if you feel that i'm out of line... i must have a reason for it, ask me and we'll talk about it

3) no one is safe. i say it again bacause i know someone is gonna get pissed about what i say...dont worry, i'll only repeat myself once.

4.) post if you wish, but this is just a forum for me to vent on things that i feel are not getting across in real life, most of my friends tune me out quite well, but i digress.

5.) i'm not good at paint. this wont be pretty like lindsays

6.) i'm really lazy, so i might not post like my life depends on it, so please dont put this as your startpage.... not that you care.

7.) if somthing comes up in here that your concerned about or want to talk about, dont bring it up "i saw in your blog...yadda yadda yadda", thats insulting. if your that concerned, you should have seen it coming... at least fake like you didn't read it here an you actually care.

8.) i might appologise, i might not... life isn't pretty and not everyone is sorry for what they say.

9.) i know no one is reading this far, atention deficit disorder is an amazing thing that culture is thriving upon, not being concerned about, soon all tv shows will be 5 minutes with 3 comercial breaks.....pathetic.

10.) remember i really am a nice guy. just lately i've got that feeling that no one cares.

to expand on 10, i'm using this as my bitch spot, plain and simple... it might be as in depth as some others later, but for now, it is what it is.

now, to do laundry in my cold ass room cause i'm broke and lonely.... goodnight
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