... that being said, i have an anouncement.
it took me a while, but i'm listening to christmas music and getting in the christmas mood, i don't know how long it'll last... probably till i hear another horrible cover by a no talent hack pop star of we three kings. we all know what the best and truest versions of any of our favorite christmas songs are, and i have re-kindled my love for, and found on limewire the versions that are BAR NONE the best christmas songs ever!!!
if you were born before 1987 (...well, lets say 1984, give you some time) you will remember the three TRUE conveyers of th4e christmas song... they are as follows...
- Alvin and the Chipmunks
- John Denver featuring The Muppets
... and last but not least
Now, in reverse order of my respect i pay homage to the chipmunks.
Their spunk and weird voices wich everyone can sing allong to (not unlike Biz Marke.....YOUUUUUU ...GOT WAHT I NEEEEEEDDD.......yeah, that guy), but can also bring a smile to your face whenever alvin gets yelled at. it brings out the joy of the 'good ol' days' when cartoons were simple and mind numbing becausethey were pointless fun entertainment, not brainwashing people into buying shit.
John Denver featuring The Muppets
i respect this album because this was one of the first CD's that my family owned. therefore we listened to these versions of christmas carols almpost exclusivly for years. these versions of any song can bring a tear to your eye (especially 'the christmas wish'... man, it gets me every time), and a laugh when you do the "bah-dum-bum-bum" after 5 golden rings, even if no one is singing that version. i know i did it in church, and i wasn't the only one.
My beloved Clamation Christmas
i can't tell you in any words, or in any action how happy it's going to make me when i see this again. theres no way to recreate a childhood, but one thing i have yearned for almost every year at this time, is to be taken back to the late 80's. When we didn't have to worry where the rent was coming from, or how to get a passing grade in statistics, or who's fucking who. you could just sit arround with your family, without your cell phone, without the worry of anything but when bedtime was...wait.... it was christmas break! you didn't have a bed time! these werethe times i would play with the dog all day, i would build cushin forts and wrastle with my brother. when you would shake your present and not worry if you broke it or not. when you went to church just so you could pick a carol to sing.
when life was simple. when we cared for eachother.
I know its the 13th, but merry christmas everyone.