Friday, December 16, 2005
johnny quest thinks i'm pretty cool actually...
"A call at 3am like nothing happend, like it hasn't been a two week stand-off. All the feelings she could upend, trying not to be pissed off."

i wrote that sorry, sad peice of what i think is poetry... yea, i'm un-published.

i just wanted to save it somwhere, cause it pretty much exzemplifies the way i feel right now, allot is kind of in the balance, school, work, social life. the onlythings i have to rely on are my freinds, family and my own feelings.

I have to do this today, i just do. more people than most are telling me not to, but for my own sake, i have to go.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Fuck everyone else's opinions. Except mine.
And don't let her walk all over you.
Cause you're better than that.

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