Tuesday, August 09, 2005

thats all i have to say about today. i can't wait to get away from the drama machine that is whitewater, cause i believe i successfully quelled my first bit of major drama that was attached to me...

drum roll...

by myself! yes folks, i talk to the people there were problems with and smoothed things out...

so why don't you all try it? everyone in Whitewater Wisconsin, say it loud and proud (and truthfully)...

I will stay out of other peoples lives unless it effects me personally, and if it does not pertain to me directly i will not care about who did what to whom at what time.

... i know no one said it, thats ok, as long as some people that think there helping by relaying and passing along gossip and flat out making things up stop causing drama and dealing with there own lives, we'll all live happier stress free lives.

and yes i have told some half truths to people who did not need to know more than what they were told, as of late , for this particular reason (the drama was quelled by telling the truth to the people that mattered and were involved). i apologize if my actions concerning my whereabouts, wich are really inconsequential, has caused the drama train to de-rail.

strike that last paragraph, I'm sorry if i told you false information that you didn't even need to know in the first place. (yet again, if you were ACTUALLY PARTY TO THE DRAMA, then this entry does not apply to you, and you know who you are)

but besides all of this, i had the best day of my life. :-)

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