so on thursday night...
... i was lulled to sleep by my sweet, wich put me in a rather good mood and i was almost comatose. You know, the state when you can still physically react to your dreams. So i was slowly slipping into a great dream, when my doorknob was jostled.
now i useually sleep in boxers (and about 25% of the time i'm naked) and with the door half open, so i figured someone just bumped up agianst the door... thats fine, i'm still in the home stretch to dreamsville...
when it happens again...
in a fit of rage, i try and rool over to get my airsoft gun to fight off the oncoming hordes of jerks ruining my sleep...
but just as i rool over i see the door bust open and three ladies in trench coats come into my room.
yea, thats right, ... 3
so these girls (we'll call them Liz, Alison, and Sarah to protect their identites) proceed to drop the coats, exposing the matching black undergarments (all in boyshorts, head explosion number 7 i belive...) and vault themselves into bed with me. liz on the left, sarah on the right and alison straddling me.
my jaw drops. i cant form a decent sentance. my head exploded...many times.
so Alison and sarah start making out, and they make advances twards liz, cause she's "left out"... all while i'm in shock... someone mentions my girlfriend not being there and them being sad....
my head exploded again...
so they colected themselves and went on to flash others, in hindsight i saw emmit (i mean, Mr. morgans... to protect the inocent) filming the whole endevor.
i couldn't sleep for a good 45 min, my brain was mush. i tried watching tv but i would be on the pillow sarah was on, wich resembled kari's perfume in smell... so i couldnt sleep there, my head exploded for about the 50th time...
it was amazing...
i love being me
i love friends like that, and that stuff like that can happen with out it getting weird....