Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I wanted to fit this all in an away message...
... but you only get 1024 charicters per away message...

so i am slowly realizing that i am on a slightly destructive pattern, but i think i caught it in time to control it.

i am spreading myself so thin that i cant be of help to anyone...

in every aspect of my life i'm finding faults, but when i correct them, even to the slightest degree i find myself making another aspect a gaping expance...

I want soo much to be arround kari as much as possible, but that cost money that i dont have because i owe too many people to stay with my head above water.

i try and study but i have to be on top of things for the fraternity so i dont let anyone down...

I dont have enough money to eat, but if i buy food my payments to EVERONE go over and i get calls at 8am demanding money...

I need to win the lotery. I need a job closer to home. I need a sugar momma. I need a personal assistant. I need to be able to hold kari whenever i feel like this. I need to have my life smooth out a little, but i know that wont happen until the end of the semester.

all this stress ... my head explodes on a bi-hourly basis...

i need a vacation, but if i had one, all i would be thinking about is how i'm letting someone down

my work would be stressed out cause i wouldn't be there to close...
my fraternity would have one less body to help
my school would not be thought of
my money situation would worsen cause i wouldn't be getting paid

and i would be being selfish because i dont belive i was put on this earth to be happy but to apease others.

the things that i think about are only of doing things to make otheres happy or have good memories that might involve me.

I might not exist to myself, but i hope that i can effect everone elses life in a small way that is positive.

i'm slightly depressed and alone, but i know i'll get through this, i always do. because if i wasn't there ...

who would be the naked guy?
Sunday, September 18, 2005

the best rush poster EVER.

that is all for now, be prepaired for my brain to explode later

see you space cowboy
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