Thursday, November 24, 2005
I don't know what I did last summer
So Kivi asked me the rules on how to play the Whitewater version of 'CIRCLE OF DEATH' because when rules are writen down, there easier to abide by and harder to modify. So i spent some time (after i went arround and rubbed my testlicles on allot of things arround ferris, that'll teach the guys to leave for a few days and leave their doors unlocked.. hehe...) putting the rules together for our version of COD.

I figured it would only be right to post them here, seing as they atributed to some of the best times this summer.

UWW rules

Start with a large empty cup in the center and a single deck of cards.

Shuffle the deck of cards and spread them around the cup face down.

Starting with whomever you choose, the first person draws a single card and abides by the rule of the card, be it written here or given out by a rule-altering card. Said persons turn is ended when they have followed the card's rule and the next person draws their card.

Drinks are defined as a mouth full of your drink. The alcohol content is not factored in, if your drinking beer or pure vodka, its your fault. Shut up and drink.

The rules of the cards are as such:

2 - Drink 2
3 - Drink 3
4 - Give out 4 Drinks
5 - Give out 5 Drinks
6 - This is either a safe card or a waterfall*
7 - The person who's turn would be next Drinks 1
8 - Rule.**
9 - Gesture. ***
10 - Social. Everyone Drinks 1
J - The person who just took a turn Drinks 1.
Q - Question. ****
K - Category. *****

First 3 Aces drawn - Pour as much, or as little of your drink as you want into the center cup.

Last Ace drawn - The person drawing the last Ace drinks whatever is in the center cup and the next game cannot start until this is finished by the 'loser'

* Waterfall - The player receiving this card cheers and everyone playing starts drinking at the same time. After the person that initiated the waterfall stops then the next person in the order the cards are being drawn in can choose to stop. This inevitably gets the person that went just before the person who drew the card extremely intoxicated , if the others in the group can hold out.

** Rule - This rule is instated until the next 8 is drawn. The rule can consist of nearly anything including revising, but not abolishing, any of the specific rules attributed to the specific cards. This rule can also be tied to actions outside of the game (i.e. whenever someone outside the game talks, flip them off. or if someone talks, a specific person drinks), but should not overlap the gesture rule.

*** Gesture - This is an action, minute or large that when preformed by the person that drew the card everyone playing the game should copy said action. The last person doing this action will have to drink 1.

**** Question - When drawn, this card does not have to be displayed.The person drawing this card asks a question while making specific eye contact with another person playing the game, that person asks aquestion, relevant or not, to another person in the game. You do not have to go in any specific order. You can reply to the person asking you a question with a question. When a person repeats a question or cannot respond in a question they drink 1.

***** Category - The person drawing the King will start the round by naming a subject with more than one answer (i.e. car models, states, colors, items of clothing, brand names). You continue on naming answers in order until a person cannot name anything, or you run out of answers. The person that concludes the naming drinks 1.

Good luck. Get Drunk. Throw bottles in the street. Pass out on power boxes. Sleep with someone you normally wouldn't. Blame it on the game.

good times, goooood times....

feel free to coment on any modifications.

Family: thanksgiving, beat up on my bro, he flipped. good times....
Fraternity: a few days of solice, but the last week is upon us.
Social: HA, me? socail life? riiiight.
Money: poor, owe everyone, but pay day is in a couple hours
Work: i hope i locked the front doors....
Females: me and Kristina. lets see if this goes well.
Drama: ...i wear my heart on my sleeve, and it stains too many of my shirts
School: you really should spell check a power point presentation... fuck me...
Friends: catching up with weber and grant was fun, but were gonna have even more fun at eddys wedding
Health: tired alot, i think its cause i dont eat. i swear, i'm gonna start doing sittups.
Song: watching Grease, but RENT is running through my head.
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