well, its exam time, wich means i need to find more things to do that'll waste my time. so here goes, my itinerary for the next ....let say week...
Wednesday night: retreat with the boys, yea some are sick, but you should still come. bonfire and bro's gotta love it
Thursday: call UWW's risk manager so we can have the snowball fight, work 12-7 drive back and start preparing for said snowball fight.
Friday: 745 exam in speech, should be cake. 9-2 SNOWBALL FIGHT! if i have the ok or not, so sue me for having fun, 3 exam in PR, then off to paint and help some bro's move.
Saturday: 8-5 work, then freezing my ass off in front of best buy waiting for new x-box 360's
Sunday: still freezing my ass off, but having fun doing it.
Monday: ass load of exams from 10 - 3 then work. then off to madison to see Dennis and Erin
Tuesday: still in madison, probably calling people to hang out with because i never get to go out there.
Wednesday: ..... what am i doing wednesday? i think all i have is one exam at 10 am (raquetball....ooooohhhhhhh.....) then work...
Thusday: all i think i have is work... so that means drinking wednesday night!
well, for all you care, thats what i'll be doing.
thanks to L.Eckert for all the improvements on the site. i'll put a post up about how much i love what youve done with the place later.
Family: great, i love those guys
Fraternity: lots of stuff hapening, and with time over break i can get some things taken care of
Social: wow... i really don't have one. but COD will begin again.
Money: POOR, but i charged bev for her paint job, so a $141 check coming soon
Work: so much time on my hands now, all i do is talk on the phone.
Females: ...
Drama: i need to take care of some things, but yea,... i need time off
School: wow, exams, and allot of it depends on how well i do this week
Friends: still missing all my groups of friends
Health: kinda sick, but its a mental thing.
Song: dane cook, he's a funny bitch
Last Laugh: the idea of the snowball fight actually being sanctioned
see ya monday!!