life sucks, and i lie.
because life really doesn't suck. i'm in good health, (and i'll live forever as long as i keep eating lots of bacon), i have family and friends; but in general life at this instance sucks.
i got a 2.2, just enough to keep the carrot in front of this jackass so he has a glimmer of hope that he can aceive...HA!
NO ONE IS HERE@!!!! this town is a ghost town. how will i survive in the real world without a multitude of people to talk to.... i know... i'll just make up imaginary friends...thats perfectly sane....right?
did you ever have some really really good food... food you thought was the best food ever, but they only had it in some remote location or somthing, just enough so you could'nt have it for a while... then you have it again ... after 8 months ... and you realise you want more and you just keep running into problems getting that dish again? yea, that doesn't make sence so i'll just say i want sex.
i want to go back to my old self. the random guy who had fun and didn't worry what people think. and i'm going to do that. if i want to go do some randome...lets say.... strategic dumpster movement, i'm not going to think about it, i'm just gonna do it... cause i feel like it
unless i get bored... or theres beer/boobs involved
those reasons are the killers ... or facilitators ... of any situation...
song: Cake - cool blue reason
Pockets: nothin
Imaginary emoticon: *pissed off, but drinks beer and is better, not ok, but better*
sometimes life really sucks, at that very moment and you feel like going to stuck ur head into the toilet bowl and shout "HURRAH I'M IN HAWAII".
but i digress.
well, its the holidays man, cheer up a bit and go surf some porn sites if ur so desperate, things are not as bad as u think eh. just keep urself busy with the lawn and maybe with the toilet bowl thing too and you'll find life is all about getting ridiculous and laugh ur way over.
<--another random cat dun mind me
No matter how bad it seems, or how desperate your situation seems, there is someone out there. She is either waiting for you right now to knock off your slef loathing and open your eyes, or she is waiting to be found. Maybe she is not necessarily waiting for you, but once she meets you she'll know that is what she was waiting for. Or you will just have to turn some random girl over to the dark side. That is really fun.
I know all of this because we are exactly alike, believe it or not, you and I share a lot of the same disposition, that is why i can get so easily mad at you and vise versa. I also know this because i was in the same boat, finding reasons to be upset, until i was lucky enough to fall for an amazing person. I haven't been upset for a long time now, and i can blame her for that. You will find your amazing person or just steal mine from me, cause you owe me.
That is all you dirty dirty whore.