Saturday, January 01, 2005
just to warn you, i'm sooo drunk right now...
wow , new yaears... no dick clarkr! wtf mate?!?!

dso i fgell down the satiras sat ferris... and i really d=ucking hurt myself...... it even hurts when i'm this drunk/

i have puyt muse;lf in a positiuon i hate oto be in, th place of bureneb. i hate to be that guys. the thing that ruinsa a good time.

granted this is thep robably most FACED i've ever bewen, but i have to sday that my new years have fgotten progeresivly worse./

with drama (for your momma) and police, this year, i thought it would be GRTANDFUCKINGTACULAR because i was with the brothers. but no, i had to allf and be the guuy whoi almost had to take to the ../.. fuck that... i will not ruin new years for anyonwe.....


that said, i wish to pass out so i can hear about my bitching and whining later

Song: some instrumental shit....that just broke into WILD THING....YEA!!!!

Pockets: condom (don't know why), skittles, utility knifre, pen, to do book, chapstick, 40 cap

Reasons to regret this night : my roomates
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