Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Yes, I shave myself for attention.
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so yea, there you see a picture of me at my best.

I did it

I'm an Attention Whore

and who doesn't expect that from me, honestly!?!?

anywhooo... life is ok now, i dont need to vent. but i still need to talk, cause damn it, i'm a living human being.

I'm thinking about complicating my life by asking a girl out.... i'd really like your thoughts and opinions on this, cause damn it, i dont know if its worth it. i have no drama

Thats right fools.......NO DRAMA

it kinda scared me when i realised that, i figure i'll have to go out and do somthing to cause drama, but i know it'll find me eventually.

but in my sick and twisted reality, i figure if i go out of my way to complicate things (in all honesty, i'm being fececious about complication, i'm just a shouvanist) by getting into a relationship, but you know what, you miss 100% of the shots you dont take.

so anyone, shoot me a message and our minds will meld

and now, your moment of zen -

"My next question - uhh - starts as a question, and then turns into a statement, and then becomes and exclamation, then degenerates into just random profanity and noises ok?

Why would anyone in there right mind live here? Because it is Fucking cold man! i mean, God Damn its cold! my *shivering**bleep* OW!"

Song: actually none on right now, so the sweet humm of the heater and the buzzing of speakers is my song, but i do have Jonny Quest thinks were sellouts stuck in my head, thank you celebration...btw, everyone come....allover....the sheets....or just to celebration

Pockets: none, fucking again. i have to make this an optional catagory

How many times i've had to "frankenstein" a computer so that i can actually be on-line, and how long its been - 3 computers, 4 hard drives, 4 cd-rom drives, bugging the HELL out of tommy....for about all 4 months now...LAME

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