Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Dennis Lynn; this blog entry is not all about you


now with that out ofthe way, i'd like to explain my 'getting a tan' theory. For some reason i was watching the music video for the new Foo Fighters song and it came back up. It must have been one of the song lyrics or somthing but it made me think of how i used to live life... at least how i used to treat being single and 'looking'.

everyone knows the theory of "theres always more fish in the sea". usually you get this quote when you break up or are being depressed after not getting a date to prom when your a freshman. but when you get my age the sea is dwindling. especially sence i've been in this town for, oh lets just guess 3 1/2 years, and the only serious relationship i was in was with someone from a different state. so my sea is teaming with fish, i just seem to be not using the right bait.

(sidenote; it creeps meout that i have excelent periforal vision and i can only see a small portion of my door from my desk over my TV. this agrivates me because i thought someone was watching me at least 23 times now when the picture changes... so TV off now...after the G Love coke comercial...)

for a while i tried, thinking i was using the wrong bait, or not putting my lures or my jigs (come on and get in the boat, FISH FISH....)on correctly. not playing the game like every other asshole who tends to get all the girls then the girls complain about them to the guy who cant see why they dont realise guys like us dont do that stupid shit.

I digress; in highschool there was one girl that made me think of this theory. no matter what i did i wouldn't be any more of a friend than the new guy who no one talked to. so i said fuck it. i didn't care about my jigs or lures or what time of day i took the worms out of the ground. i wasn't going to let this miniscule issue take over my life.

So the theory goes as such.

If i'm going to be out there fishing, like every other guy, trying to catch that one perfect fish i might aswell do it my way. theres one true love for everyone. some think they found it and their fish is right for the fisherman but not vice versa. some people live there lives dealing with that fish. not me. not this guy.

Everyone tells me i'm different, i'm special, that i have potential... hell one girl said she wouldn't want to date me cause i'm too good for her (and no, she wasn't doing that to get me into a restraining order, it was one of those serious all night long talks...). so if i'm such a good catch myself...

(wich the only girl who has given me the flying fuck of a chance, that were the best times of my life so far, but we lived too far away...thats basiclly the only thing wrong with that relationship.)

... why worry?

so back to the fisherman. i see alot of my friends out there casting like crazy, switching bait and technique for each different pool or stream. I figured i'll do what i want if i'm forced to be out here with the fish dancing arround my line without a good bite in a long time.

If i'm going to fish, i'm doing how i want. I'm going to be out there with a hook on a string, no bobber or bait, just me and how i do things.

the truth.

I'm gonna tie that string arround my big toe, pour myself a nice cold beer, sit in the hammock suported by 2 lowly palm trees and get a tan.

because if Bitches Ain't Shit, And its eternally 1:30, why worry or stress about it guys?

we should all be enjoying being us and doing what we want to do with our lives. becuase when you think about it, theres no reason to get all depressed when a girl "plays the game". its just annother fish dacing with your line. they all do.

you just have to be patient enough for that fish to get the gaul and realise whats on the end of the line, not just what you can have in an imediate presintation.

i dont know what it is with me and long entries lately, maybe its because i think people might be reading this...

ah well...

G. Love and Jack Johnson are the chillin masters, i can always be in a good mood when i got "cold beverages" goin on to ease the nerves.

its getting late and i think i might have made my point, even though i ramble, but you know what... i do that normaly.

summary(and this doesn't mean you should just skip to desert without having the meal...); Why worry about 'the game' and 1:30 and 'B.A.S.'. just cast your line into the water, be yourself, let the girls do what they will to make you think you have a good fish. but when the right fish comes allong she'll yank you right out of your hammock and you wont even know it.

heres to that big fish
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