Sunday, June 26, 2005
Progression of shityness
Girl asks guy to go to a party then to bars - cool

girl and guy end up drinking at the house and blowing off party - cool (4 rounds of COD cool)

girl and guy drunkenly stumbe to bars - decent

after getting in girl drags guy away from friend to go dance - kinda miffed, but dancing is ok

girl ends up dancing with other guy and tells guy to keep walking - kinda shitty

guy ends up chillin with friend - cool

guy looks for girl to see what's goin on - decent

guy cant find girl - shitty

guy figures girl ditched him - shittier

guy chills with friend more - cool

guy leaves because he doesn't like being ditched - hell yea, stick it to her!

guy develops conscience and decides to go back - decent

guy ends up finding girl with his friend - reunited!

after talking to friend, guy finds out she only wanted a ride case she couldn't find guy - boo-fuckin' hoo

guy and friend end up fake ditching girl to go get friends car - hehe, sneaky

guy and friend return and find girl, but girl want to go home with equally drunk guy who has a girlfriend and is "harmless" - ...shi-TAY

guy says adios to friend - cool

guy and girl end up stumbling home - good end to the night.....

girl ends up getting called over to drunk guy - lame

girl tells guy to 'wait right there' - meh...

guy takes it literally and watches her walk a block without looking back - SHITTY

guy follows and politely suggests to go back to the house and ditch drunk guy - decent

girl resists and demands keys - weird

guy gets confused and doesn't want girl to go home with drunk guy - (insert your judgment call here)

guy refuses and heads home - (insert your judgment call here)

guy gets conscious yet again and turns around just in time to meet up with drunk guy - rrrggg....

while walking through campus drunk guy rambles, girl starts crying for some odd reason and guy gets sober real quick - SHITTY

girl pleads for keys back and guy gives them unwillingly and does not want to show friendly affection as in a hug goodbye - (insert your judgment call here)

guy refuses to talk to anyone for fear of doing or saying something stupid - probably not so good a call

guy cant explain why he likes girl so much and cant stand to see her do stupid things - ...

guy is always wrong, and is always the ass.
Blogger TFK said...
the farsh and your away message are both right...BAS...but we'll be able to have drunken, no-drama- bitch sessions on that weekend...whitch will rock the hizzy. Now a message to all ladies out there: Games aren't fun unless they involve dice.

Peace out

-Karvar(fish substituted i's for ar's, so I figured i could too)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Farsh and Karvar are correct...

GAMES ARE GAY, and so are girls. I know, I am one. There is a post in my blog... it's an ode to girls and games.

These are the ideas to help girls stop playing games...

1. Do you like a guy? Is a guy showing interest back? DON'T PLAY HARD TO GET. It'll just confuse him and make him not want to deal with you anymore. There are plenty of girls, and he'll just move on.
2. TELL A GUY HOW YOU FEEL If you like him, let him know. If you don't, let him go. Simple.
3. If you genuinely do not know what to do in a situation, most times your gut feeling will be the correct one. If you try to let your gut do the talking, quit listening to its rumbling and let him know that you are debating things. Just don't let it go for too long, that is a mistake I have made recently. I regret every second of my indecisiveness.
4. Do not cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend. If you feel the need to be with someone else, let the other person go first.
5. Don't be a ho.
Now, I do know who said girl is, BUT... I'm going to analyze my suggestions for girls, and compare them to how you say Girl is acting.

1. Playing Hard to Get: Consider... is she playing hard to get, or is she just inconsiderate?
2. Telling him how you feel: Has she told you how she feels about you? If not, ASK HER. A simple question may clear things up.
3. Doesn't really count.
4. Unapplicable
5. Ho? Couldn't tell you.

Another thing I'd like to point out, is that people usually tell the truth when they are intoxicated. She was.

ooh, here is a question for you...
#6. Does she know how you feel?

You are a good guy, your angst really shouldn't have to be there. But don't worry, I think you'll iron things out.


Blogger gefishy said...
man i am starting a revolution...


giggidy giggidy giggidy!

all of you will adhere to my new stance on the letter "I" or the farsh will send his army of "proper noun 'I' haters" to kill you.

That is all.

The farsh

Blogger Peanuts said...
your revoulution sucks.... mainly because of lack of solid leadership.

if i was the leader the last post would have gone as such...

"man ar am starting a revolutaron...


garggardy garggardy garggardy!

all of you warll adhere to my new stance on the letter "I" or the farsh warll send hars army of "proper noun 'I' haters" to karll you.

That ars all.

The farsh

your revolution is lame...


Blogger gefishy said...
what part of PROPER NOUNS weren't you understanding!!


the farsh

Blogger TFK said...
Technically, since you capatolized it, it shoud be Vagarna


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