Saturday, December 24, 2005
ok, heres an update
i'm not that bad off. well i am. but i'm not dwelling on it like i was. i've picked myself up and i'm doing what i have to do.

i got a 1.6 somthin... sothat puts me at a 1.985 overall... wich gets me dismissed.


so there it is, i'm not in WW anymore. but i am still here, clawing tooth and nail to do what i can to stay sane.

first step is to get my financial aid figured out, the bastards randomly said i can't have it cause i got dismissed last time, but i got back in... fuckers.

then i look into going to MATC, hopefully in Fortatkinson so i can still be active in WW, but eventually moving to madison, probably next fall. i hate to go, i love this town and all the people in it, but i have to, for my own sanity. i know i could fight and get back in, but after this long, not doing what i had to do to get where i need to be, i need to cut my losses in school, and go after what i want.

from then, hopefully 2 years later i'll be able to get that degree, some classes that'll help me in my carrer, and over those 2 years i'll have made a ton of contacts by doing projects on the side and consulting at Sherwin Williams. I'll be 25 years old. a decent age to be young, fresh, and ambitious.

i'm not done. not by any means. i have a plan, i have goals, i have drive, and i have ambition. I also have freinds that wont let me fail. i'm eternaly greatfull for that. i don't know what i'd do without you. all of you. i know only a select few read this, but even those whom i hardlyt ever talk to, i know there still there.

Thank you, Everyone.

Don't worry about little old me, you know i'll survive somehow. i always do.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm so glad to hear that; remember you always have a place to get away to if you need it. BTW, thanks for last night =)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
As long as I can still call you "Big Papa"

Blogger gefishy said...
yeah if nothing else you can sleep with me (wink!) but you are probably getting a place in madison with me anyways... and possibly tommy... HOW MESSED UP WOULD THAT BE!! WHY DO WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES!?!?!

the farsh

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