Tuesday, January 17, 2006
... better
ok, i know i had to vent, and i got a little drunk when i was posting.

But i think i'm going to heed some of Al's advice and work on my spelling. I'm sick of deleting comments from random people taht look at my blog that all they can coment on is that " you need to learn how to fucking spell."

its agrivating at best.

yes, i was drunk while writing the last post, that acounts for the slurs, but i said that right in the epilouge... its like some people are just out there to criticise.

come on ... get a life.

and on that note I apologize. I wasn't myself today. I was irate and yelling. Thats not me. I don't like it when I get that way.

There you go 'kerriced'. I'm sorry I don't like to ruin my thought process by spellchecking everything I put on here.


somthing from Little Nemo just poped into my head...

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...."
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