Sunday, February 19, 2006
ways i'm not attractive
  • Physical apearance
    • Chubby
    • Non-Shaven
    • Haircut
    • Short
    • messed up bottom teeth
  • Attitue
    • Over Confident
    • Tells it how it is
    • Doen't care what people think
    • Blunt
    • Honest
    • Funny at any expence
    • Popular

I Had intended for this post to be, why i would be a good catch. but thats entirely too cocky. I sat here last night, fairly drunk, and had just gotten done flirting fiarly heavily with some freshmen. I wanted to get it out there that - damn it - i'm a good guy to have. but as i sit here, sober, i think; yes, i am the bit part on someone else's play, but Its the part that only i could play.

I think that i'm here on this earth, at this time, doing what i'm doing, and living how i live, for other people.

I'm going to start doing exactly what i've been doing all allong and not change a damn bit. yea, i could go out of my way to get healtier and look better, maybe shave, maybe cow-tow to how everyone wants me to be so i can be more popular, maybe get some short relationships. But no.

I'm Peanuts, 7th billed, Never on the marquee, but things wouldn't be the same without me.

Cocky, but true. I just hope that madison is ready for me.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Don't leave!!! I'll miss you!!!

P.S. She's out there, I know it.

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