Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Ok, so this week, as to start my new trend of self improvement i'll be giving up some things that will greatly help me in this process.

I talked to Cerqua and he nailed it down to 'Idle, one sided, or non-personal conversations'.

The first thing is Checking away messages, Its VERY one sided. If i want to know whats going on with you, I'll ask you or visit you. Inversly, if you want me to know somthing you should talk to me and seek me out about it. I'll still respond if you want to talk, but i'll be to the point.

Also, i wont be calling people from work. One, becasue i have allot of shit to finish up before i leave. Second, I'll be at a store where i can't get away with the shinanigans that i get away with at my ...MY... store and i'll be the new guy .....again... so i can't really go in the back and take calls or just do nothing, cause theres gonna be no more flying solo. Also, I'm gonna be shooting for an assistant manager position in that time, so i have to be the best i can be.

And as for idle chatter, i talk to people for no reason alot. i love talking, thats why the Fraternity called me mouth. But i'm gonna try and be susinct and strait to the point. in any conversation.

To sum it up, i'm going to have the same away message up all week, telling you how to get a hold of me and such, but i'm not going to contact anyone unless i need to.

I think this will help with all of my logistic, work, and self-esteem problems...

and cause i'll be leaving this blog and my MySpace too...

Family: Barrowed money after i got them out of a 20$ deficit, so i'm a good son, then a bad son, so i guess things are ok.
Fraternity: Lyrecrest, and 12ish chapters allong the way
Money: same shit different day, i'm poor, good thing Sara backed out, cause that would have fucked me over
Work: New store May 3rd.
Females: why don't we get drunk, and screw?
Drama: weird... all i got is the standard 'i'm a single guy and i need to get some'
School: sending off my application and transript when i have money
Friends: i'm gonna miss you all
Health: i need to up my motabolism, so therefore i need to eat less more frequently
Song: Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo - Bloodhound Gang

Last Laugh: Talking with kari / Thinking about pranks involving long hair and contact adhesive
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Can your very last post ever please end with,

"Andy Hale, signing off"

or something to that effect?

Weird, I know.

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